Thursday, December 26, 2019

Depletion of Non Renewable Resources of Energy - 1422 Words

Introduction A non-renewable resource is a natural resource which cannot be produced, grown, generated, or used on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate, once depleted there is no more available for future needs. Also considered non-renewable are resources that are consumed much faster than nature can create them. Fossil fuels (such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas), types of nuclear power (uranium) and certain aquifers are examples. Natural resources such as coal, petroleum, oil and natural gas take thousands of years to form naturally and cannot be replaced as fast as they are being consumed. Eventually natural resources will become too costly to harvest and humanity will need to find other sources of energy. At present,†¦show more content†¦There are three forms of fossil fuels solid called coal, liquid called petroleum or oil, and gas called natural gas. Use of fossil fuels outnumbers the production and extraction of it which is used to power cars and factories. 90% of the U.S. s energy comes from oil. The solution is to use other sources of energy, but we already are too dependent on fossil fuel to back away from its usage. Fossil Fuels are the biggest cause of pollution in the world, producing soot and other harmful gases. It takes a million years to produce the amount of fossil fuels the people of earth use in a single year Energy can be drawn from the sun, water, and wind to produce a clean form of energy. Coal is a very clean source of energy. Energy also comes from biomass, electrical storage, and nuclear energy. Coal is a very good source of energy, but when it is burned it produces much more pollutants than any other fossil fuel. Coal-Coal depletion is the inescapable result of extracting and consuming coal since it is a nonrenewable natural resource. The number of years of coal left is estimated by the ratio of proven coal reserves to the current consumption rate. Assuming the current rate of consumption and that there are still an estimated 909 billion tones of proven coal reserves worldwide, there is enough coal to last at least 155 years (assuming the rate of consumptionShow MoreRelatedIndia s Energy Policy Of India1377 Words   |  6 PagesThe price of energy is increasing yearly. It is crucial for people to comprehend how every is very useful to them and how they can prevent it from getting wasted. Energy at home accounting in Calabasas will grow habitual practice of solutions to conserve the energy efficiency of their homes at the topmost level. Energy in India defines energy and electricity manufacture, depletion and importation in India. Energy policy of India designates the politics of India associ ated with energy. ElectricityRead MoreEnergy Costs687 Words   |  3 PagesEnergy costs There are various energy sources available in the world today. These are either renewable sources or non-renewable sources. Some of the non-renewable sources include coal, oil, and nuclear fuel while renewable resources are solar energy, wind power, biomass, geothermal wave and tidal power, hydropower and so on. Cost-supply and uncertainty are usually quite asymmetric when it comes to the energy industry and any other industry in the world. The paper will look at the future of energyRead MoreYou Can Choose Your Friends but Not Your Family Essay1637 Words   |  7 PagesA  renewable resource  is a  natural resource  with the ability to reproduce through biological or natural processes and replenished with the passage of time. Renewable resources are part of our  natural environment  and form our  eco-system. In 1962, within a report to the committee on natural resources which was forwarded to the President of the United States, Paul Weiss defined Renewable Resources as: The total range of living organisms providing man with food, fibers, drugs, etc....[1] Renewable resourcesRead MoreBenefits Of Non Renewable Energy788 Words   |  4 PagesNon-Renewable energy is the energy which is taken from the sources that are available on the earth in limited quantity and will vanish fifty-sixty years from now. Non-renewable sources aren’t friendly to the environment and can have serious impacts on people’s health. They’re called non-renewable because they can’t be generated again within a small amount of time. Non-renewable sources are existent in the form of fossil fuels, natural gas, oil and coal. Now, just like Renewable sources do, Non-RenewableRead MoreHuman Activity and Energy Sources968 Words   |  4 PagesEarth’s resources, for instance water, productive farming land and energy, outlines the basic foundations of our continued existence on earth. However, with the continued human activities, for example logging and charcoal burning, these resources are quickly being depleted. Human inhabitation and inc reased consumption of the natural resources is resulting in untold destruction. The climate change being experienced globally, the rapidly depleting freshwater catchments, the dwindling forest cover,Read MoreThe Natural Gas And Oil1425 Words   |  6 Pagesgas and Oil are in the middle of the most vital energy resource in India. The business is as well one of the major providers to the State treasuries and Central. Natural gas is friendly to nature, has far larger competence and is certainly cost in effect. With the developing depletion and increasing mandate there is no uncertainty that Natural gas is well thought-out to be the fuel of the 21st century. Since Forever, the Non-renewable energy resources have remained the focus of all most importantRead More The Impact of Buildings on the Environment Essay example653 Words   |  3 Pagesto ozone depletion and acid rain drips down upon us. The key source of all of these problems lies in our continually increasing use of non-renewable energy resources. Most of our electricity is created from fossil fuels and burning coal, and the emissions from these power plants are deadly to our environment in the long run. While development of new renewable energy resources is vital to our ability to protect the environment, in order to truly succeed, we must reduce our current energy use. Read MoreEe 3410 Experiment 41035 Words   |  5 Pagesconsonance between humans and their surroundings[1]. Experiment 4 focused on the different diode circuits and aimed to test EE 346 students’ knowledge of diode operation and improve their ability to measure and analyze different diode circuits. Energy Experiment 4 required multiple devices, a function generator, a multimeter, an oscilloscope, and a power supply, used simultaneously. Although an individual benchtop device consumes a negligible amount of power, (the 34410 A Digital Multimeter consumesRead MoreTypes Of Energy Resources Used All Over The World872 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many types of energy resources used all over the world. These can be classified as either renewable or non-renewable energy sources. Renewable sources are those that are found readily but do not face the possibility of depletion. These include solar, wind and hydroelectric energy sources. Non-renewable energy sources are found in the environment but can be depleted by overuse and these include natural gas, coal, and oil. Among the renewable energy sources, solar energy is the most commonlyRead MoreThe Most Important Aspect Of The Modern World Essay1332 Words   |  6 Pagesthe modern world is the technology that is advancing it. The capabiliti es of engineers regarding technology that keeps humanity alive or destroy it are the abilities in which engineers can harness and manipulate energy. The energy sources include both renewable and non-renewable resources and are the vital backbones of this modern world. The Industrial Revolution which took place in eighteenth century Great Britain acted as a sort of gateway to the discovery and usage of fossil fuels today (Industrial

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Erasmus A Pioneer For The Reformation - 1112 Words

Based on the evidence of Erasmus and More, one can conclude that Martin Luther was not a pioneer for the Reformation. Some of the key differences about Erasmus and More’s calls for reformation compared to Luther’s reformation are to wake the church up, church go back to morality and Virtue. Erasmus wrote to awaken the church from only going through the motions. He says that the monks and Papacy at the time were conducting church services and practices as if they were conducting a mathematical problem (Erasmus, Praise of Folly, 155). An example of Erasmus issue with the Papacy was that they were â€Å"twisting the gospels to serve their earthly appetites† (Erasmus, The Handbook of the Christian Soldier, 139). Erasmus’s goal is to get rid of the rituals, practices, and wrongdoing that had been happening within the church. Erasmus writes that the monks and Pope’s, as well as Christian’s in general should â€Å"correct the erring gently, teach the ignorant, lift up the fallen, console the downhearted, and support the needy† (Erasmus, The Handbook of the Christian Soldier,150). Erasmus used satire as a way of telling the Catholic Church of the wrongdoing of the church. An example of this is done by a story about Pope Julius who is tr ying to get into heaven, but is told that he is a devil (Erasmus, Julius Excluded from Heaven, 216). In comparison, More writes his book about how he wishes the world could be like. There are some debates that Utopia is a work of satire (More,Show MoreRelated W.B. Yeats: Nationalistic Reflection in His Poetry Essay1098 Words   |  5 PagesIreland, In 1865. His father was a lawyer turned into a painter, and thus his son inherited the creative (and unconventional) genes. Most of Yeats’ childhood was spent in London, where he attended the Godolphin School. At age fifteen, he attended Erasmus Smich School, in Dublin, where he studied are for three years, concentrating devoutly on literature, finding his outlet for expressing his dissident sentiments towards British rule. From the dawning of recorded history, it seems as though IrelandRead MoreRenaissance: Impact on English Literature1723 Words   |  7 Pagesvisited  Italy  at the time came back to  England  nourished on the Renaissance humanism. The Renaissance, however, had its full blossoming in the Elizabethan period (1551-1603). This late flowering of the Renaissance was due to the religious dissension (Reformation) which swept over  England  before  Elizabeths accession to the throne.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most interesting significant product of the early Renaissance was the translation of Greek and Roman literature. The translators opened for their countrymen aRead MoreEssay on Thomas Mores Utopia and His Context3405 Words   |  14 Pagesblueprint for a perfect society, rather he merely presents his ideas in the form of a political satire, revealing the evils of his time. More wrote his novel in 1516, a time when the first phase of the Renaissance was over, and the Reformation was about to break. The pioneer architects, Brunelleschi, Alberti and Bramante were dead, Michelangelo had just completed the Sistine Chapel and as working on the completion of St Peter’s, Leonardo da Vinci had only three years to live and Raphael, four. MachiavelliRead More Equality of the Sexes Essay3076 Words   |  13 Pagesheightened emotion, and their love was celebrated rather than condemned—at least in future years. However, this emotion was in direct conflict with the Church, and along with many other factors the Doctrine of Intent helped bring about the Reformation. The Reformation brought great changes to the ideals of marriage and the church’s role in marriage, but it also carried negative effects for the female’s identity. As Ozment explains, Whereas the centuries between 1300 and 1500 had been something of a

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Legal Political and Ethical Dimensions of Business

Questions: 1. There has been a movement in the last decade encouraging people to buy American. Discuss the legal and ethical issues related to boycotting goods from other countries. What are the practical business implications of such a move? 2. The World Trade Organization, or WTO, is the largest and most influential of the trade organizations. China and other heavy counterfeiting nations are part of this group. What could WTO-participating nations do to address the problems of counterfeiting? What should they do? 3. The United Nations Security Council, the main decision-making body at the UN, is comprised of five regular members: China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. Ten more members are elected from the General Assembly. Given the make-up of the committee, what type of action might the UN take with regard to the counterfeiting issue? Answers: 1. The section 2407 OF THE United States Code talks about foreign boycotts. This section indicates a message from the President of the United States of America that every American national should boycott goods made in foreign countries. The primary objective behind boycotting foreign goods is to promote local manufacturers and increase the economy of the country. Thus, some may perceive boycotting goods made by foreign countries which are better in quality and lower in price compared to the local goods as unethical and foolish rather than patriotic, while others may consider it to be reasonable. Therefore, the boycott of foreign goods is generally a matter of choice. Refusing or prohibiting another to refrain from using foreign goods or keep any association with foreign company is additionally a violation in freedom to trade and freedom of choice as a consumer. Thus, the business implications of boycotting foreign goods can encourage domestic trade and businesses but at the same time violate citizens right to choice as a consumer and also right to trade (Ambrose and Stephen 2010). 2. Counterfeiting is a termed used for intentional reproducing a copy of a genuine article or goods in order to mislead a buyer into believing that they are actually buying or purchasing a genuine product. The World Trade Organization initiated an Anticounterfeiting Enforcement Committee (ACEC) which suggested the following steps to combat Counterfeiting from member states like China:- Introduce collection of fines against countries which engage in Counterfeiting The said step not only suggested collection of fines from countries engaged in Counterfeiting but also suggested to device methods for calculation of fines and penalties for Counterfeiting. Enforcement of strict customs against trafficking of Counterfeited goods across borders The Anticounterfeiting Enforcement Committee (ACEC) suggested that laws in relation to trading of goods across border needs to be strict for managing and filtering trade of counterfeited goods (Jackson 2010). Introduction of statutory damages In most cases, the civil penalties and compensation are not sufficient to cover the actual losses a company suffers due to Counterfeiting of their produced goods, thus, Anticounterfeiting Enforcement Committee (ACEC) suggested the governments of member states of World Trade Centre to amend their trademark laws to include a pre-determined damage amount for counterfeited goods (Hawkins and Richard 2010). 3. United Nations is a global organisation which promotes international cooperation between countries. The primary objective of the most important organ of the United Nation is to make decisions which are in relation to global problems and crisis. These decisions are made by Security Council. The Security Council of the United Nation has recently adopted a campaignto create awareness about the evil effects of Counterfeiting. The United Nation aims to make countries realize that Counterfeiting is a crime which adversely affects government, customers and businesses. The United Nations shall impose a ban on goods which are counterfeited and imposes heavy penalties on countries that encourage Counterfeiting (Halperin et al 2010). Reference List Ambrose, Stephen E.Rise to globalism: American foreign policy since 1938. Penguin, 2010. Halperin, Arnold, Paul Andrew Moskowitz, Alejandro Gabriel Schrott, Charles P. Tresser, and Robert Jacob Von Gutfeld. "Method and system for preventing counterfeiting of high price wholesale and retail items." U.S. Patent 6,226,619, issued May 1, 2001. Hawkins, Richard A. "Boycotts, buycotts and consumer activism in a global context: An overview."Management Organizational History5, no. 2 (2010): 123-143. Jackson, Graham, Stefan Arver, Ian Banks, and Vera J. Stecher. "Counterfeit phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors pose significant safety risks."International journal of clinical practice64, no. 4 (2010): 497-504.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Governments Providing Free Health Care Essay Example

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Governments Providing Free Health Care Paper The Advantages and Disadvantages of Governments providing Free Health Care Every government provides services for their citizens. One of the key areas governments focus their attention on is public health care. Citizens have the benefit of receiving free health care services whenever they need it. Yet, everything that is provided for free has its drawbacks. There are disadvantages as well as advantages associated with free health care services provided by governments for their citizens. Firstly, with the anticipation of free health services, there is a high likelihood of poor quality of services. According to the Ministry of Health’s Strategic Plan 2011-2015, Fiji has one of the lowest total health expenditure as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) when compared to other Pacific Island countries. As a result of a lack of finances, it can be expected that health services and products may not be of high quality. Moreover, cheaper and less effective medication may be given in place of quality and effective drugs. It should not be expected that citizens have the best quality of health services due to the limited budget and expenditure of the ministry. Another disadvantage of free health care is the shortage of doctors and nurses. The Minister of Health (Fiji), Dr Neil Sharma said that doctor shortages were a common occurrence in every part of the world and Fiji was no exception (Malo 2011, p. 5). For instance, at Rakiraki Hospital one doctor looks after over ten thousand people and only three doctors cater for the twenty-nine thousand population of Tavua (Malo 2011, p. 5). From this information it can be seen that the doctor to patient ratio is very low. Thirdly, free health care services leads to overcrowding in hospitals. With the availability of free medical services, citizens have the opportunity to make the most use of the services provided to them and this in turn leads to overcrowding. It is an all too common site to see long queues and frustrated patients at the outpatient section of major hospitals (Fiji Times Online 2008). Many people wait for hours before they are seen as the hospitals are just not large enough to cater for them all. With the large population of We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages and Disadvantages of Governments Providing Free Health Care specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages and Disadvantages of Governments Providing Free Health Care specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages and Disadvantages of Governments Providing Free Health Care specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Fiji, it is not surprising that overcrowding occurs in hospitals. However, free health care services have many advantages as well. Governments spend a lot of time, money and resources in providing health care services and it is only after carefully examining the benefits that these services are provided. The advantages that will be considered include benefit to all classes of people, the continual improvement of healthcare services and the reduction and control of disease outbreaks. Equally important to consider are the advantages of free health services. Free health services benefit all classes of people especially the poor and needy who cannot afford expensive treatments offered at private hospitals and those citizens who do not have health insurance. In Fiji, the healthcare system is mainly financed through general taxation (Ministry of Health Strategic Plan 2011-2015, p. 11). The revenue collected from taxation is based on income levels and the ability of the individual to pay. Consequently, the poor families benefit greatly from this service as they get the most out of it. In addition, another advantage to consider is that the government continually improves its services. Citizens benefit greatly from the improved health services governments provide. According to the Minister of Health, Dr Neil Sharma, the ministry’s foremost objective is to strengthen primary healthcare services in the country. The Permanent Secretary for Health, Dr Salanieta Saketa added that one major target for the ministry is to improve the delivery of primary healthcare services (Ministry of Health Annual Corporate Plan 2011, pp. 3-4). The Fiji government also spends a substantial amount on educating and training health professions (Panda 2003, p. 37). These are only a few of the many ways the government is improving the healthcare system. Finally, free health services help to reduce and control disease outbreaks. Those individuals who are carriers of infectious diseases are treated and cared for. For example, the Ministry of Health has sections dealing with HIV and AIDS, adolescent and reproductive health, oral health and non-communicable diseases to name a few. Informat ion is also provided on these diseases and prevention. These services are very beneficial to the itizens and the nation as a whole as it stops the risk of spreading the illness to the entire population. Free health services are indeed beneficial for the entire population. In conclusion, free health services provided by governments have its disadvantages and advantages. Although there are disadvantages to this service, in some ways, the advantages do outweigh the disadvantages. Governments do recognise the need for poor and needy families’ access to healthcare services and also know that in order to cater for their citizens needs, they must continually improve their health services. Governments also recognise the need to control or if possible eliminate the outbreak of infectious diseases in order to protect the entire population. The government has done a great job in providing the citizens with healthcare services and this can be improved by allocating more finances to the health sector. With these in play, it is safe to say that the free health care services governments provide have great advantages for their citizens.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Government Intervention on the Internet essays

Government Intervention on the Internet essays Government Intervention of the Internet E-mail and Internet communications are not secure or anonymous, System Administrators and fourteen year-old hackers alike can pry into your personal or corporate mail. Others can read anything you send. Communicating by e-mail has been compared to sending postcards that anyone can read as they travel along. It is nearly impossible to communicate anonymously through e-mail. Though many people don't use their real names on e-mail messages, the names are always recorded somewhere. Almost any communication can be traced back to the person who sent it. The ability to trace and read e-mail has caused some people embarrassment. It has caught people who were sexually harassing others in the workplace. It has also been responsible for the arrest of many people who were trafficking drugs, running scams, or distributing child pornography. Now a new innovation, RSA encryption, has made it possible for e-mail and other communications to be almost completely secure. In this encoding scheme, both the sender and the receiver have a key, or a sequence of code numbers. The data is scrambled according to these number strings and cannot be read by anyone who doesn't have the key. The longer the string of numbers is, the harder it is to crack the code. The government is concerned that by using a lot of numbers, (over 1000) users could create a code that the government wouldnt be able to crack. Thus the government would lose the ability it now has to intercept and read your e-mail as it travels. Three civilians who are not affiliated with the government developed the encryption scheme. But when the United States government learned about what it could do, they placed strict rules on the research and implementation of the scheme. The government also made it a crime to export software, chips or even information about the workings of the scheme to other countries. Some countries like England...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How are synthetic a prirori ju essays

How are synthetic a prirori ju essays Kant theorizes that synthetic a priori judgments are conceived before an event occurs. He makes the assumption that these synthetic a priori judgments are plausible without any empirical knowledge, exposure, experience, or any related comprehension. Ergo it is false to assume that synthetic a priori conclusions are not justifiable because the articulation of conscious and unconscious stimuli is an occurrence since birth. Kant explains that there are both analytic and synthetic judgments. Analytic judgments are those truths that are self-contained while synthetic judgments are the combining of two ideas to form a completely new idea. He also explains that there are both experiences that are a posteriori and those that are a priori. A posteriori is the knowledge that depends on experience and therefore is defined as after experience. A priori on the other hand is knowledge that can be known prior to experience. Knowing this, we can conclude that analytic a posteriori are not possible. One cannot have a self-contained knowledge of something after an experience. Kant also explains to us that analytic a priori are in fact possible. For instance, the statement all bodies are extended things is an example of analytic a priori. This is because we know that this is true before seeing all of the bodies in the world. Analytic a priori are therefore rationalist statements. Rationalism is a theory that reason is in itself a source of knowledge superior to and independent of sense perceptions. A rainy day is a wet day is an example of a statement that is both rationalist and analytic a priori. This is an analytic a priori judgment because we know that everyday that is a rainy day is also a wet day. On the other hand, if somebody were to say that a rainy day is a warm day it would be an empirical statement. That is because we can only put th...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An Introduction to Theory of Constraints Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

An Introduction to Theory of Constraints - Essay Example TOC is very significance in the fields of management and engineering when it comes to finding solutions to problems in the most accurate, simple and consistent. It helps in reduction of inventory levels, lead and cycle times while improving revenue and reducing time. Significant researches have been done in the field of TOC. Elyahu Goldraft and Jeff Cox in their book â€Å"The Goal: Process of ongoing improvement† highlighted various TOC processes like identification and exploitation of system constraints and goals. They also came up with the classification of constraints as market, policy and physical. These constraints were further subdivided into sub constraints and theories of constraints discussed. Mindset constraint is based on culture and frame of mind, measures is based on the relationship between constraints and achievement of organizational goals and method constraint based on relationship between procedures and technique to achieving actions incompatible with the or ganizational goals. Application of TOC in the Manufacturing example indicates understanding of redefinition of systems goal, thru put, inventory and operating expenses. TOC also helps in calculation of profits and making production decision. Financial Management, Cash Flow and Accounting Principles The objective of this topic would be to comprehend the creation and usage of the accounting information, understanding of accounting language and application of financial accounting in an organization. This would be summarized in the following paragraphs. Finance and accounting have varied roles within an organization. Some of these roles are applied internally within an organization while others are used externally outside an organization. Finance and accounting helps in provision of financial position of an organization, taxation of an organization by the state, federal and the local government. ES-4910 Survey of Engineering Management presents (1) Organizational financial report is als o used by external organs in investment regulation and valuation. Organizational management uses finance and accounting in budgeting, setting product prices, checking of organization performance as well as in general operation of an organization. Understanding of accounting information is very vital to the organizational management. Recording of cash versus accruals forms basics of financial entries. Cash is always entered when there is transfer of cash whereas accruals are entered there is revenue earned or expenditure is incurred. Accrual is a record of transactions over the same period whereas cash records are not time dependent. Other accounting basics include the understanding of business assets, liabilities equity ledger, revenue, expenditure and profit. Accounting entries like the principle of double entry in an accounting is very important in making account receivables and expenditure occurring at the same time. Rules of making entries in journal and using it in calculation of profit and loss are very important. Financial statements help in understanding of different activities in a business. They include cash flows, owner’s equity, business financial position and operational statements. Financial analysis involves comparison of financial information based on period, company changes whereas ratio analysis involves comparison of assets and liabilities. There are current ratio and quick ratio. In the analysis of profits the following are considered; asset return, equity return, gross margin, earning per share. Analysis of ratios involves calculation of; turnover ratio on assets, average turnover ratio and turnover ratio of inventory. In the analysis

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Inter-Religious Dialogues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Inter-Religious Dialogues - Essay Example From this research it is clear that  the best examples of inter-religious dialogues are Jesus Christ and the Prophet. History makes it clear that Islam was spread by peaceful means. Hazrat Muhammad was known as a just and peaceful person long before he even talked about Islam. Muslims never forced any one to convert. South Asia and Africa were the countries where the message of God was taken by trading Muslims. The environment under His rule was to lift up the teachings and practices of Islamic traditions that nurture life and support community living. The Messenger of Allah prohibited even the fragrance of Paradise on a person who is a killer.This paper stresses that it generated hope and respect between the different people and created the atmosphere of mutual confidence. In any distrustful situation, dialogue should not be the last resort rather should be the first step towards reconciliation. It lessens fear and doubt by becoming the sign of hope. Jesus and Prophet Muhammad nev er used confrontational language and always focused on transparency and simplicity of dialogue. Whatever, they did in tackling those situations can also be done today and all of the points discussed above are essential for any dialogue. The ignorance of Quran has led Muslims to a wrong path way, and all in the name of Jihad. Negative role of media added fire to the fuel. Jihad means to defend oneself from anything that is harming but Muslims are not allowed to harm others.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Grit Test Essay Example for Free

Grit Test Essay I guess according the test I am a extremely â€Å"Gritty† individual. It states that I am grittier than 80% of the American Populous. I guess I can attribute that to my military experiences. I will now do my do diligence in answering the question on the lab sheet. Question 1) what difference does age has in your ability to be persistent? I think age has nothing to do with being determined or persistent. It is an inherent trait that is taught. You must learn to not fear and use the emotion to your advantage, and your drive. Question 2) Does it matter how long your attention span is? I think it does, you must learn to focus to succeed in anything, and in today’s society that is discerning and I am concerned. Question 3) Does labeling something as â€Å"fun† and â€Å"easy† matter to your perception of how long and well you could persist on project? No I prefer a good challenge and I enjoy working on project that are challenging. Question 4) If you take pride in your work, do you think you’d persist longer than if you were self-critical. I don’t think I would do as well, if I cared about popularity. I handle my project as a mission and I am mission orientated. Question 5) What about your ability to delay gratification? How might that impact your ability to be persistent? How is the ability to delay gratification related to maturity. How is it related to self-control? How is it related to self- control? How is persistence different from self-control? I am very good at delaying gratification, because of my military training to be â€Å"Companionably Dis-Passionate.† I really think that this question is irreverent to me. I also think it has nothing to do with matuarity, because I know a lot of 40 year old people that act like they are 12. Self-control is a learned inherent traits, that is taught though  discipline and self-pride and determination. Sources Cited: Michelson, B. M./ U.S. Army (2013, September). Character Development of U.S. Army Leaders The Laissez-Faire Approach. Retrieved from This book shows how to develop military leadership and training that can be used to train individuals how to react to any situation a military leader can endure. This book can also help with how we interact in a society that lacks leadership and discipline. Goren, P. (2007). Character Weakness, Partisan Bias, and Presidential Evaluation: Modifications and Extensions. Political Behavior. doi:10.1007/s11109-006-9019-0. Is this article, the author discuss what is makes a strong leader versus a weak leader, and he discusses the issues in our governments policies and how strong and week presidents and leaders can make our break a government.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Edgar Degas :: essays research papers

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas was born on July 19, 1834, at 8 rue Saint-George's in Paris. His father, Auguste, a banker, was French, and his mother, CÃ ©lestine, an American from New Orleans. The family name "Degas" had been changed to "De Gas" by some family members in Naples and France in order to sound more aristocratic; the preposition indicated a name derived from land holdings. Degas went back to using the original spelling sometime after 1870, and that is how we spell his name today.He was destined for a law career, but instead entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he studies with Louis Lamothe. There he became a painter and sculptor. Degas was associated with the Impressionists, taking an active part in there firsts exhibitions, but his individual choice of subject matter, handling of composition, and emphasis of drawing distinguished his works from theirs. He worked with a number of media: oil, pastel, lithography, engraving, and sculpture. From the mid-1850s through the mid-1870s Degas explored many types of subject matter. He copied works by earlier artists and executed his own history paintings, portraits, and scenes of daily life. Degas eventually ended his efforts at history painting and devoted more attention to portraiture, turning images of relatives and friends into complex psychological studies.His oils and pastels depict the inhabitants of the world of sports, business, ballet, and the cafes in their self-conscious posturing and characteristic gestures. He has numerous paintings of jockeys, dancers, laundresses and prostitutes. Another favorite subject was a model at her bath. Degas' observation of movement resulted in the radical compositions that preserved the character of his subjects. As Degas' subject matter became more contemporary, so did his artistic style. Early on, Degas presents people as individuals, whereas works from the mid-1870s on categorize women in particular according to their professions. The laundresses, milliners, and dancers represent types rather than specific individuals. Degas' handling of paint and use of color also become bolder and more experimental. Degas' collection of repeated poses and postures speaks to his preoccupation with texture, color, and form.In the later years of his life, despite failing eyesight, he continues to paint his women models in varied, unarranged poses. Soon after he began to let him self go. He stopped caring for his dress or trimming his beard. He had chronic bronchitis and bladder problems. Degas continued to work as long as he was in the house of Rue Victor-Masse.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ethics, Morals, or Values Essay

My ethical judgment was put to a severe test only once in the past. However, when it happened, it completely overwhelmed me that I could never be certain until now whether I made the right decision. It involved my 90-year-old great-aunt whom I loved dearly and who had no other living relative besides me. She was rushed to the hospital in a comatose condition, no blood pressure reading, and no pulse. She was later diagnosed with sepsis secondary to infection from her bed sores after being bedridden for more than a year. She was finally transferred to a private room with a blood pressure reading of 60/40 and a rather weak pulse but stable, according to her attending physician, considering the circumstances. However, days and weeks later, her condition did not improve. She was still comatose, and antibiotics did not seem to be taking any effect. Later, she developed pneumonia. I was informed by the hospital staff that it was expected in her situation. After all, they told me, she was a weakened, 90-year-old woman in coma. One day her doctor talked to me about her condition. He informed me that there was nothing wrong with her heart – she had a very healthy heart. What worried him, he said, were her lungs because they were ready to collapse. The moment her lungs collapse, my aunt would immediately stop breathing and die in spite of a healthy heart. There was only one thing they could do if I wanted her to keep on breathing and stay alive – technically alive, at least. They could insert a breathing tube that would reach her lungs and pump air into her using a breathing bag. However, he wanted me to understand that the procedure would be very painful for my aunt – a painful procedure that would not even help my aunt recover consciousness. But first, he wanted to get my consent to perform the procedure on my aunt when the need arose. I could not answer him instantly. I knew what he was asking me. I heard some nurses talking about â€Å"heroics† in connection with dying patients. My aunt’s doctor wanted to know if I would ask him to write the words â€Å"no heroics† on my aunt’s card so that they could allow her to die – I could leave her to die – as soon as her lungs collapsed. I was the next of kin. Since my aunt could no longer decide for herself, the decision was up to me. I was staring at euthanasia in the face! I asked the doctor if I could give him my answer the following day. He said yes, but reminded me not to delay or it might be too late. I spent the whole evening thinking about it – asking myself some questions. What would my aunt have wanted me to do? My aunt was a devout Catholic. Would she want me to decide as one? The following morning I told her doctor: â€Å"Please do everything for her! †

Sunday, November 10, 2019

After the Order of Melchizedek

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Theological Seminary â€Å"After the Order of Melchizedek† A Term Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Course: THST 619 Doctrine of the Sanctuary by Ralph D Bock October 2009 Table of Contents CHAPTER 11 INTRODUCTION1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY4 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY4 DELIMITATION5 METHODOLOGY5 CHAPTER 27 TYPOLOGY OF JESUS AND MELCHIZEDEK7 WHAT IS TYPOLOGY? 7 WHO IS MELCHIZEDEK? 8 AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK10 CHAPTER 316 SUMMARY, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION16 BIBLIOGRAPHY19 CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE PHRASE â€Å"AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK? † PSALM 110 SPEAKS ABOUT A PERSON WHO IS A KING AND A PRIEST, BUT IN THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL THERE WAS NEVER SUCH A KING. IT COULD BE THAT THE PSALM SPEAKS ABOUT A FUTURE KING-PRIEST. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT IT DEALS NOT WITH A HISTORICAL KING, BUT WITH THE MESSIAH. [1] The prediction of Jesus’ priestho od according to the order of Melchizedek indicated that the Aaronic priesthood was transitory (Heb 7 verses 11–14), and imperfect—that is, salvation from sin—was not possible through the Aaronic priesthood.This meant that God intended to change the priestly law, making it possible for one who was not a descendant of Aaron to become a High Priest. Once the new High Priest after the order of Melchizedek arrived, the typical priesthood would end (verses 15–19). Christ became priest, not on the basis of genealogical ties, but by a divine declaration. His priesthood is permanent because His life is indestructible. [2] This is called in biblical theology typology. Whether or not typology can legitimately be embraced in the interpretation of certain messianic prophecies is by far the most controversial question.One area of OT typology was that of typical individuals who served as prototypes both of other individuals within the OT and of Christ; in addition, the Melchizedek of Genesis 14:18-20 served as an individual type of the Messiah within the OT, as evinced in Psalm 110:4; and that the author of the Book of Hebrews utilized the Melchizedekian typology already employed within the OT canon to further his arguments for the supremacy of the priesthood of Jesus to that of the Levites. [3] Matthew Henry and et al. reference to Hebrew 7. that Melchizedek met Abraham returning from the rescue of Lot, Melchizedek’s name, â€Å"King of Righteousness,† doubtless suitable to his character, marked him as a type of the Messiah and his kingdom. The name of his city signified â€Å"Peace;† and as King of Peace he typified Christ, the Prince of Peace, the great Reconciler of God and man. Nothing is recorded as to the beginning or end of his life; thus he typically resembled the Son of God, whose existence is from everlasting to everlasting, who had no one that was before Him, and will have no one come after Him, in His priesthood.E very part of Scripture honors the great King of Righteousness and Peace, our glorious High Priest and Savior; and the more we examine it, the more we shall be convinced, that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. [4] There are strong parallels between Melchizedek and Jesus: both are the Sons of God, priest of the Order of Melchizedek, King of Righteous, King of Peace, appointed by God, eternal priesthood, and preexistent. Statement of the Problem The problem this paper espouses is embodied in the questions: What was so special about the order of Melchizedek?Why would God juxtapose the order of Melchizedek to that of Jesus if there where no credence to it? Significance of the study The study is significant because it will explore the intertextual study of Melchizedek in relation to Jesus Christ. The study is vital because it will contribute to the knowledge of bringing to focus the importance of Jesus’ priesthood as superior and more elevating and able to meet the needs of God’s people during the closing days of earth’s history. Purpose of the StudyThe main thrust of this paper is to provide a clearer view of the superior and excellent perception of Jesus’ priesthood as efficacious enough for the people of God. In reality, Jesus Christ is the only true priestly mediator between God and the human race. The priesthoods of Aaron and Melchizedek serve only as role models of Christ’s effective ministry. â€Å"For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, the testimony to which was borne at the proper time† (1 Tim. 2:5,6). [5] DelimitationThe paper will be delimited to the few pericopes about Melchizedek in Genesis 14, Psalm 110 and the letter to the Hebrews chapter 7. Methodology This is a qualitative research that describes Melchizedek and Jesus’ priesthood from Jewish and Christian sources. Chapter 1 is a description of th e introduction that includes the significance of study, purpose and the delimitation of the research. Chapter 2 contains the literature review that extrapolates sources from Jewish, Christian, and non-Christian literature to expound on Melchizedek and Jesus’ priesthood as relevant to the plan of salvation.Chapter 3 is the conclusion with the focus on the summary and findings of the research work. Chapter 2 TYPOLOGY OF JESUS AND MELCHIZEDEK WHAT IS TYPOLOGY? Exactly what is a type? Theologically speaking, a type may be defined as â€Å"a figure or ensample of something future and more or less prophetic, called the ‘Antitype’†. [6] Muenscher says a type is â€Å"the preordained representative relation which certain persons, events, and institutions of the Old Testament bear to corresponding persons, events, and institutions in the New†. 7] Wick Broomall has a concise statement that is helpful: â€Å"A type is a shadow cast on the pages of the Old Tes tament history by a truth whose full embodiment or antitype is found in the New Testament revelation†. [8] We would, in summary, suggest the following definition, which we paraphrase from Terry: A type is a real, exalted happening in history which was divinely ordained by the omniscient God to be a prophetic picture of the good things which he purposed to bring to fruition in Christ Jesus.Who is Melchizedek? The identification of Melchizedek has been highly debated in the history of the church. Jewish tradition has identified Melchizedek with Shem, the son of Noah who, after the chronology in Genesis, survived the flood and lived at a time when Abraham was alive and was his contemporary for a hundred years. Christian tradition has proposed different interpretations to identify who Melchizedek was. Origen said that Melchizedek was an angel. Others have proposed that he was the Holy Spirit in human form.Many Christians, ancient and contemporary, have said that this is a classica l example of a Christophany in the Old Testament, that is, Melchizedek was Jesus Christ himself, who appeared to Abraham in human form. The concept of Christophany should be rejected because it contradicts the statement in the book of Hebrews that Jesus was designated a Priest after the order of Melchizedek. If Melchizedek was Christ then how could Christ himself become a Priest in the likeness of Melchizedek? [9] Ellen White wrote in the Review and Herald that it was Christ that spoke through Melchizedek, the priest of the Most High God.Melchizedek was not Christ, but he was the voice of God in the world, the representative of the Father. And all through the generations of the past, Christ has spoken; Christ has led His people, and has been the light of the world. [10] Another view is that Melchizedek was a type of Christ. The typological interpretation suggests that the priesthood of Melchizedek was a type of Christ’s priesthood. As Melchizedek was a priest of the Most High God, so was Jesus. As Melchizedek was a king, so was Jesus. Both Melchizedek and Jesus were royal priests.In the persons of Melchizedek and Jesus the offices of priest and king were combined. For this paper we are going to focus on the view that Melchizedek was a type of Jesus. After The Order of Melchizedek The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek (Ps 110,4). Unlike the ordinary priests, for whom it was possible to be of priestly descent and yet not actually function as priests (cf. Deut 18,6-8; Lev 21,17-23), the priesthood of Jesus priest was sworn unto Him by God Himself to be after the order of Melchizedek.He was not of any priestly descent inasmuch as he was not of the tribe of Levi, nor was he a priest in the sense of someone who was actually employed as a sanctuary attendant and was carrying out sanctuary duties on a day-to-day basis. However, his priesthood was more permanent and enduring than that of any othe r priest, since whether or not he was functioning in the sanctuary and ‘doing the job’ of priest, he was by definition a mediator between people and deity for the rest of his life. [11] Christ was a priest of God after the â€Å"order of Melchizedek† (Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:11,17).The word â€Å"order† (taxis) signifies an â€Å"arrangement. † In this connection, it means â€Å"of similar arrangement,† i. e. , the nature of, or â€Å"just like Melchizedek†. The meaning is this: in some sense the kingly-priesthood of Jesus would be similar in nature to that of Melchizedek. Note the reference to Psalm 110:4 above, and observe that Christ made the application of this Psalm to Himself in Matthew 22:43-45[12] It was not that Melchizedek was â€Å"without father, without mother† literally, or that he had no genealogical background.No, the truth being conveyed was this. Whereas the Aaronic priesthood resulted from being a part of a family line, i. e. , the descendants of Aaron, Moses’ brother, the priesthood of Melchizedek was bestowed directly by God. And it was precisely in this manner that the Lord Jesus was appointed as our High Priest; he did not inherit it by means of a physical lineage (cf. Hebrews 7:14). [13] In the Letter to the Hebrews, the author uses the figure of Melchizedek in his reflection on the salvation-historical significance of Jesus' life.Although there are probably original elements to his use of Melchizedek, much of what he affirms about Melchizedek is parallel or similar to what is found in Jesus. The author uses the view that his readers had about Melchizedek for the purpose of proving the superiority of Jesus' High Priesthood to that of Aaron and his descendents. His goal is to demonstrate that Christ's death brings the Levitical sacrificial system to an end. The figure of Melchizedek sees the unification of king and high priest into one individual. These two office s were separated in the Mosaic covenant and also later in the Davidic covenant.Moses led the people whereas Aaron his brother founded a high-priestly order; later, when God swore to David that he would establish his dynasty forever, the high priesthood belonged to the family of Zadok, who was a priest (from the line of Aaron). Melchizedek, in the author's view, prefigures the unification of two offices in one person, which should come to pass in the â€Å"last days. † To be a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek is to be both king and priest. And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham. 0 For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchizedek met him. Abraham, the father of the Levites and the nation of Israel, paid tithes to Melchizedek and because of that, through Abraham, Levi also paid tithes to Melchizedek, so to speak. In doing so, not only was Melchizedek greater than Abraham, but greater than Levi and the priestho od that bore his name. If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, for under it the people received the law, what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek, and not be called after the order of Aaron?The writer, having established the superiority of the priestly ministry of Melchizedek over the Levitical priesthood, now shows the superiority of the priestly ministry of Christ Jesus over both. Perfection, as we have seen in this paper, refers to salvation. Perfection is the New Testament sacrifice; it is salvation through the sacrifice of Christ, and the completeness of His entire work for the believer. In addition if the Levitical priesthood and the Mosaic Law could bring a person into salvation, reconciliation and access to God, then there was no need for another priest to come after the order of Melchizedek.The fact that there was one who came after the order of Melchizedek proved the failure of the Levitical priesthood and the Mosaic Law to provide a complete and comprehensive salvation that only Christ, our great High Priest, provides. It means that Christ was not a High Priest, as in Aaronic and the Levitical order (according to the law of Moses). The High Priesthood of Jesus Christ is of a higher order! Christ was and is a High Priest as Melchizedek; and not as Aaron or Levi. Note the following: 1. Melchizedek's position as High Priest was not dependent on ancestry†¦ either was Christ's. (7:14). 2. Melchizedek was not in a succession of many priests†¦ neither is Christ. (7:3). 3. Melchizedek's priesthood was higher than and separate from the Levitical order†¦ so is Christ's. (7:4-7). ? 4. Melchizedek was priest and king†¦ so is Christ! (See Zech. 6:9-15). 5. Melchizedek received tribute from Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation; this shows the superiority of Melchizedek's priesthood above the Levitical (which came out of the loins of Abraham). {See Gen. 14:18-20 with Heb. 7 :4}[14]. Chapter 3 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONTHIS CHAPTER DISCUSSES THE SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH. Summary The replacing of the old priesthood with the eternal priesthood of Christ also meant a replacement of the Old Covenant with the New Covenant, which was required. All of this was set up, executed and revealed by God, for the purpose of convincing the Jews – their old Levitical priesthood was now history. And it means that we have a High Priest and access to God! â€Å"For such a high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens.Who needed not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people; for this he did once, when he offered up himself. † (Heb. 7:26-27). â€Å"Wherefore, he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lived to make intercession for them,† (Heb. 7:25). Conclusion A careful reading of Hebrews 7 provides a lens for understanding the rest of the letter. Christ’s priesthood, its efficacy and our response, is the main theme of the letter, and this is expounded carefully in chap. 7, via the vehicle of Melchizedek.In the form of true Hebrew poetics, repetitions of references to Melchizedek lead the reader on a hermeneutical journey. However, also in good Hebrew form, what is left unsaid explicitly also colors the reading and understanding and makes the possibilities for interpretation even richer. [15] Recommendations After a careful analysis of the juxtaposition position of the Melchizedek’s priesthood and Priesthood of Christ, this paper proposes the following recommendation for further research: In examining the priesthood of Christ, does grace have any antecedents?What has Christ to offer up for the perfection of His Priesthood in heaven? Does Christ Priesthood offer any hope of salvation to the sinner? Bibliography BIRD, CHAD L. 2000. â€Å"TYPOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION WITHIN THE OLD TESTAMENT: MELCHIZEDEKIAN TYPOLOGY. † CONCORDIA JOURNAL 26. Booij, Thijs. â€Å"Psalm 110: â€Å"rule in the midst of your foes! † Vetus testamentum 41, no. 4 October 1991. Broomall, Wick. 1960. Baker Dictionary of Theology. Everett F. Harrison, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Carl F. H. Henry, eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker. Bullinger, E. W. 1968. Figures of Speech Used in the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker. Coleran, James E. The sacrifice of Melchisedech. † Theological Studies 1, no. 1 February 1940. Danker, et al. , Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Chicago: University of Chicago, 2000. Dunnill John, Covenant and sacrifice in the Letter to the Hebrews. SNTS 75; Cambridge, CUP, 1992. Edwardson, C â€Å"Bible facts concerning the Sanctuary and the Judgement†, Maplewood Press. Fitzmyer, Joseph A. â€Å"Now this Melchizedek† (Heb 7:1). † Catholic Biblical Quarterly 25, no. 3,July 1963. Gane, Roy â€Å"Altar Call† Daidem, 1999. Kobelski, P J. â€Å"The Melchizedek tradition. † Journal of Biblical Literature 96, no. 4 December 1977. Lefler, Nathan. The Melchizedek traditions in the Letter to the Hebrews: reading through the eyes of an inspired Jewish-Christian author. † Pro Ecclesia 16, no. 1,2007. Mariottini Claude, A Priest after the order of Melchizedek, Professor of Old Testament, Northern Baptist Seminary. Mason, Eric Farrel. â€Å"Hebrews 7:3 and the relationship between Melchizedek and Jesus. † Biblical Research 50 2005. Neyrey, Jerome H. â€Å"Without beginning of days or end of life† Hebrews 7:3 : topos for a true deity. † Catholic Biblical Quarterly 53, no. 3 July 1991. Paul, M J. â€Å"The order of Melchizedek Ps 110:4 and Heb 7:3. † Westminster Theological Journal 49, no. Spr 1987. Petuchowski, Jakob Josef. â€Å"The controversial figure of Melchizedek. † Hebrew Union College Annual 28, 1957. Review and Harold, Feb. 18, 1890. Rooke, D. W. , Kingship as Priesthood: The Relationship between the High Priesthood and the Monarchy, King and Messiah in Israel and the Ancient Near East. JSOTSS 270; Sheffield 1998. Songer, Harold S. â€Å"A superior priesthood : Hebrews 4:14-7:27. † Review & Expositor 82, no. 3 Sum 1985. Terry, M. S. 1890. Biblical Hermeneutics. New York, NY: Eaton & Mains. Thompson, James W. â€Å"Conceptual background and purpose of the Midrash in Hebrews 7. † Novum testamentum 19, no. July 1977. Walter R. Roehrs, â€Å"The Typological Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament,† Concordia Journal 10,1984: 204-216; William J. Hassold, â€Å"Rectilinear or Typological Interpretation of Messianic Prophecy? † Concordia Theological Monthly 38,1967. Warren E. Berkley, http://www. bible. ca/ef/expository-Hebrews-7. htm Were, Louis F. â€Å"The blotting out of sins† ————à ¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Paul, M J. â€Å"The order of Melchizedek (Ps 110:4 and Heb 7:3). â€Å"Westminster Theological Journal 49, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 195-211. [2]Raoul. Dederen, vol. 12, Handbook of Seventh-Day Adventist Theology, (electronic ed. Logos Library System; Commentary Reference Series Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2001, c2000), 390. [3]Bird, Chad L. 2000. â€Å"Typological Interpretation Within the Old Testament: Melchizedekian Typology† Concordia Journal 26, no. 1: 36-52. [4]Matthew Henry and Thomas Scott, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, 1997), Heb 7:1. [5]Dederen, Raoul, vol. 12, Handbook of Seventh-Day Adventist Theology, (electronic ed. , Logos Library System; Commentary Reference Series Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2001, c2000), 390. [6] Bullinger, E.W. 1968. Figures of Speech Used in the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker. [7] Terry, M. S. 1890. Biblical Hermeneutics. New York, NY: Eaton & Mains. [8] Broomall, Wick. 1960. Baker Dictionary of Theology. Everett F. Harrison, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Carl F. H. Henry, eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker. [9] Mariottini Claude, A Priest after the order of Melchizedek, Professor of Old Testament, Northern Baptist Seminary. [10] Review and Harold, Feb. 18, 1890. [11] D. W. ROOKE, Kingship as Priesthood: The Relationship between the High Priesthood and the Monarchy, King and Messiah in Israel and the Ancient Near East.JSOTSS 270; Sheffield 1998. [12] Danker, et al. , Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament,[pic] Chicago: University of Chicago, 2000, 989. [13] D. W. ROOKE, Kingship as Priesthood: The Relationship between the High Priesthood and the Monarchy, King and Messiah in Israel and the Ancient Near East. JSOTSS 270; Sheffield 1998. [14] Warren E. Berkley http://www. bible. ca/ef/expository-hebrews-7. htm [15] John Dunnill, Covenant and sacrifice in the Letter to the Hebrews. SNT S 75; Cambridge, CUP, 1992,

Friday, November 8, 2019

Critique of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone essays

Critique of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone essays I chose to watch and write a critique of the film Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. The exposition of this film is longer than most expositions. This long introduction is necessary to inform the audience of Harry Potters life before he finds out he is a wizard. The beginning of the film helps the audience to understand the reasons for Harrys social, psychological, and moral character traits. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone tells the story of Harrys first of seven years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. So the exposition isnt only an introduction to this film, but also an introduction to six more films that will eventually be released. In the exposition, Harry learns he is a wizard. This sets up a cause to effect organization. Most of the movie is organized in this way. The effect of Harry learning he is a wizard is him going to Hogwarts, the effect of that is he learns someone is trying to steal the sorcerers stone, etc. This moves the story along and organizes the film. The story is also organized by character. As Harry (and the audience) learns more about himself and his abilities, the film becomes more interesting and moves along. The film is presentational. The audience looks in on the film. The actors do not talk to the audience. If it was representational, it would seem less serious and it would be harder to get immersed in the plot. In the exposition, Harry learns that his parents were killed when he was a baby (instead of being in a car accident like he thought). He learns they were killed by Lord Voldemort, who was then unable to kill Harry. After trying to kill Harry, Voldemort loses his powers. Harry, the audience, and many characters all ask the same dramatic question: Is Voldemort still alive? Harry Potter is the protagonist of the film. The vast majority of the action revolves around him and he is the main character. The exposition reveals a lot about ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Kelly Surname Meaning and Family History

Kelly Surname Meaning and Family History The Kelly surname, along with common variants Kelley and Kellie, has a number of possible origins. Most commonly it loosely means descendant of war, from the ancient Irish name OCeallaigh. The Gaelic prefix O indicates male descendant of, plus the personal byname Ceallach meaning strife or contention. The name may also mean bright-headed. Kelly is the 2nd most common surname in Ireland and the 69th most popular surname in the United States. Surname Origin:  Irish Alternate Surname Spellings:  KELLEY, KELLIE, OKELLY, OKELLEY, KELLI Famous People with the Kelly Surname Gene Kelly  - legendary American film actor and dancerEllsworth Kelly  - one of Americas great 20th-century artists  Grace Kelly  - popular American film actress of the 1950s;  married to  Prince Rainier III of MonacoNed Kelly  -  Australian outlaw;  leader of the 19th-century Kelly gangMachine Gun Kelly -  American bootlegger, bank robber, and kidnapperChris Kelly - America rapper;  one half of the rap duo Kris Kross, best known for their 1992 song Jump. Where the Kelly Surname Is Most Common The Kelly surname is the 836th most common surname in the world, according to surname distribution data from  Forebears. The name is most prevalent in Ireland, where it ranks as the 2nd most common last name, and is also very common in Northern Ireland (1st), Isle of Man (2nd), Jersey (19th), Australia (17th), Scotland (45th), Canada (60th), England (62nd), the United States (66th) and New Zealand (68th). WorldNames PublicProfiler  also shows the Kelly surname as by far most commonly found in Ireland. It is a common name across the country, with the greatest numbers in the Midlands and West regions. Genealogy Resources for the Surname KELLY 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their Meanings: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census?Kelly Family Crest - Its Not What You Think: Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Kelly  family crest or coat of arms for the Kelly surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.KELLEY/KELLY/O’KELLY Surname DNA Study: Individuals with the Kelly surname, and variants such as Kelley, Kellay, Calley, OKelly, and OKelley, are invited to join the Y-DNA project to incorporate DNA testing with traditional genealogy research to identify various Kelly family lines.KELLY Family Genealogy Forum: This free message board is focused on descendants of Kelly  ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts ab out your Kelly ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries.   FamilySearch - KELLY Genealogy: Explore over 8.3 million  results from digitized  historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Kelly surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.KELLY Surname Mailing List: Free mailing list for researchers of the Kelly surname and its variations includes subscription details and searchable archives of past messages.GeneaNet - Kelly  Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Kelly surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries.The Kelly Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Kelly  surname from the website of Genealogy Kelly Surname: Explore over 13  million digitized records and database entries, including census records, passenger lists, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and other records for the Kelly surname on the subscription-based website, References Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Networking and Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Networking and Public Relations - Essay Example Its role in enhancing awareness of an organization’s public image is normally magnified when used in concurrence with public relations. In this regard, the objective of the essay is to explain how networking is used in conjunction with public relations. Likewise, the discourse would provide at least two (2) examples of how successful entrepreneurs have used public relations and networking to their business advantage. An organization and its products or services can come to the attention of the public through being newsworthy. The public is a general market that deserves to receive facts and information on what the organization offers and thus, further spreads the information to others who were not initially recipients of relevant corporate information. Public relations are thus a critical communications tool that organizations use to enhance their corporate image. According to Lancaster, public relations was defined by the Institute of Public Relations (IPR) as â€Å"the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and it’s public’† (n.d., par. 8). Networking is an instrument used in conjunction with public relations to ensure the swift development of contacts and expand the reach of information to more people at a shorted amount of time. In an exhibit, for example, an organization can present a new product offer which would be launched in the market. The product could be an innovative health drink which would significantly lower blood sugar and cholesterol at the same time. It invites various stakeholders, customers, suppliers, media, and local or state representatives to view the product and to hear testimonies of those who benefitted from it . As emphasized by Lancaster, â€Å"there is often a strong ‘entertainment’ component to exhibitions with stands offering complementary

Friday, November 1, 2019

Death Sentence of Saddam Hussein Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Death Sentence of Saddam Hussein - Case Study Example Against the nature of the trial. Most seem to agree that the trial was hugely unfair to Hussein, the judges were under pressure to reach a guilty verdict; the defense (Or at least that part of it that was not killed before the end of the trial) was not given all of the facts, and the death sentence was speedily carried out without adequate time for appeal. While issues such as the death penalty are clearly procedural, the allegation that the verdict was pre-arranged, and no adequate proof of Saddam's guilt was provided, fall into the category of Substantive law. The defendants were charged with committing "Murder, torture, forced displacement, and unlawful imprisonment" (Human Rights Watch, 2006). However, because the charges were so vague (Ibid) some feel that Saddam was instead, convicted of Crimes against Humanity "An offence against international Law for which Iraqi law stipulates no penalty" (Kadri, 2007). Those picked to hear the case were Kurds and Shiites, effectively excluding those of Hussein's own ethnic group. A judge was appointed with a 'conflict of interest', as he came from Halabja (mathaba, 2006) International human rights activists are concerned that the trial of Hussein over Dujail prevented Saddam's other victims from presenting their cases. Not only were these cases more provable, but the United States and the United Kingdom were intimately involved in these crimes. International Law There are two essential pieces of International Law which have been violated by the trial and death Sentence of Saddam Hussein: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) The right of everyone to competent tribunals (Article 8) The right of everyone to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal (Article 10) The right of eve

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Media audiences embody the fears and fantasies of their social Research Paper

Media audiences embody the fears and fantasies of their social context. - using The Hunger Games (dir. Ross, 2012) - Research Paper Example Conversely, the media does not contain relevant information alone, but contains a lot of harmful content that make the audience uncontrollably lost. The Hunger Games does not play to the knowledge of the extent of playing to the unseen eyes. The film seeks to entertain, or explore on any value that an individual may derive from watching the film, even if it means data for marketing purposes. The film brings out a metaphoric sense, which is resonant enough to make me accept the surveillance pleasures. This is in line with the Hunger Games focus in enhancing organization in the society (Ross Film). The hunger Games film, is designed in a manner that appeals to everyone else, especially the teenagers, who considers it a source of entertainment by living with pressure, which is unavoidable of being scrutinized. Constant surveillance value-seeking behavior is explored in the film, as its effects come out clearly. The constant value seeking surveillance influences behavior of the characters because they are obsessed with fact that other people derive something from the actions we undertake. The â€Å"unseen† eye influences behavior of the actors whose focus is based on entertaining the viewers. The Hunger Games indicates that the media is normally on purpose when it misses the point universally (Ross Film). Ideally, the media has been very relevant in enhancing communication. Through media, individuals whose voices could not be heard for specific reasons are now heard. Additionally, the individuals who oppressed others can now be categorically identified and prosecuted. The media has been influential for various cultures where many individuals have assimilated and adopted cultures that they observe on the media. Newer resources and facilities have resulted from the media as the media now acts as a tool for creating awareness as well as for providing education for the public and the audiences (Bury 3). The Hunger Games is broadcast and the viewers get riveted to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Beer Wars Essay Example for Free

Beer Wars Essay Beer Wars is documentary about the American beer industry and how the 3 largest US breweries try to drive out the competition. This documentary covers how lobbyists are used to control the beer market and drive out smaller breweries such as Dogfish Head Brewery, Stone Brewery, and Moonshot: all producers of craft beer. The documentary describes how a 3 tier system was put into place to separate the powers of selling beer and prevent a monopoly but the laws that were put into place to prevent the monopoly, infact, promoted the size and strength of the largest beer corporations. An oligopoly was formed and maintained between Anheuser Busch, Coors, and Miller. Porter’s Five Forces Model is a business strategy that was covered in Beer Wars. Anat Barron described how difficult it was for small craft beer makers to be new entrants to the beer industry. When Anheuser Busch felt the least bit threatened, they had the capital and access to distribution channels that the smaller breweries did not have. The craft breweries found it greatly difficult to compete with the big 3 because they were not a substitute for the Big 3’s product, they were a small competitor. Anheuser Busch controlled the bargaining power because they were able to keep prices down due to their size and pockets while small craft breweries had to be more expensive because of the quality and care that went into it on top of having to pay a higher rate for ingredients compared to the other large corporations. To cite an example of the deep pockets that the big 3 had, Anheuser Busch came out with beer with caffeine in response to Moonshot beer, which was a craft beer (and the first of it’s kind). It can be viewed as theft but they had the pockets to Moonshot out. They targeted the bars and stores that carried Moonshot and gave them free cases of Anheuser Busch’s version of Moonshot beer. Though illegal some bars took it because it was free and busch had better prices to drive moonshot out. The intensity of competitive rivalry was at an all-time high when it came to Anheuser Busch trying to weed out the smaller breweries. The big 3 breweries managed to control the market share through advertising on tv , sponsorships, and on the store shelves through strategic placement of their product. The three tier system that separates the powers of selling beer delves into how lobbyists are used to control the beer market. Anheuser Busch uses their deep pockets to get rid of competition from small craft beer makers and control consumer choice. They purchase other beer corporations. Although only touched upon briefly towards the end of the film, Anat touched upon how Coors and Miller had to go into a 50/50 joint venture to compete with Anheuser Busch. Coors and Miller scanned the beer environment and realized that they could not keep a myopic view and hope for things to turn around. They knew that in order for each to survive, they needed to join forces. They were easier for Anheuser to take out individually but stronger as a whole.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cloning Plants :: essays research papers

Cloning is asexual reproduction. Cuttings are taken from a mother plant in vegatative growth, and rooted in hydroponic medium to be grown as a separate plant. The offspring will be plants that are identical to the parent plant. Cloning preserves the character of your favorite plant. Cloning can make an ocean of green out of a single plant, so it is a powerful tool for growing large crops, and will fill a closet quickly with your favorite genetics. When you find the plant you want to be your "buddy" for the rest of your life, you can keep that plant's genetic character alive for decades and pass it on to your children's children. Propagate and share it with others, to keep a copy, should your own line die out. A clone can be taken from a clone at least 20 times, and probably more, so don't worry about myths of reduced vigor. Many reports indicate it's not a problem. Cloning will open you to the risk of a fungus or pests wiping out the whole crop, so it's important to pick plants that exhibit great resistance to fungus and pests. Pick the plant you feel will be the most reliable to reproduce in large scale, based on health, growth rate, resistance to pests, and potency. The quality of the high, and the type of buzz you get will be a very important determining factor. Take cuttings for clones before you move plants from vegetative grow area to the flowering area. Low branches are cut to increase air circulation under the green canopy. Rooted clones are moved to the vegetative growth area, and new clones are started in the cloning area using the low branch cuttings. Each cycle of growth will take from 4-8 weeks, so you can constantly be growing in 3 stages, and harvesting every 6-8 weeks. Some types of plants are more difficult to clone than others. Big Bud is reported to not clone very well. One of my favorite plants, Mr. Kona, is the most amazing pot I ever smoked, but it is hard as hell to clone. What a challenge! I noticed other varieties that were rooting much quicker, but it was the stone I was after! Once you find the psychoactive, almost hallucinogenic properties of some Indica/Sativa hybrids, you never want to smoke a pure Indica again. Indica is however, great medicinally, so I like to grow a few pure strains too.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Carer Definition Essay

First of all we need to look at what is meant by the word ‘carer’. A government website agrees â€Å"the word ‘carer’ means someone who looks after a friend, relative or neighbour who needs support because of their sickness, age or disability†. (Directgov 2006). A carer goes beyond what is expected from a relative, friend or neighbour; they are not paid like some professionals known as care workers, although they are vital to the government in providing care to some of the most vulnerable. The type of care given within the family environment saves the government billions a year which otherwise would be unaffordable. I am going to discuss throughout the assignment Anne Walker a stepdaughter caring for her stepfather Angus McPhail and touch upon the challenges both these people face in their daily life’s when giving and receiving care. There are many difficulties involved in giving care. Being a carer can be physically and mentally demanding and in some cases carers need to be on call anytime day or night. Caring for a family member can be hard work and your role within the family setting can change. You are no longer seen as a daughter, son, wife or parent but as a carer. This can be a change in identity within the family home which can strain the quality of relationships that already existed prior to taking on the caring role. For example if we look at the case study of Ann Walker who has a full time caring role for her stepfather Angus McPhail. Anne is also a wife, she lacks time to spend with her husband as she needs to attend to her stepfather for all of his physical needs. Her husband also has a difficult relationship with Angus which has led to Anne at times having to physically remove herself from the house.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ethical and Legal Challenges in Professional Practice Essay

The American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics is available to clarify the ethical responsibilities for professional counselors and future professional counselors. According to the ACA (2005), â€Å"the code serves as an ethical guide designed to assist members in constructing a professional course of action that best serves those utilizing counseling services and best promotes the values of the counseling profession.† As a graduate student striving to achieve a Master’s Degree in Counseling, it is crucial, not only to know and understand the ACA Code of Ethics, but also to understand any challenges that I may have in upholding them as well as ways to address these challenges effectively. In this paper I examine a section of the ACA Code of Ethics that I find personally challenging, risk management strategies used to resolve this potential ethical conflict, and a section of the ACA Code of Ethics that will not present a challenge. Personally Challenging Ethics Code According to the ACA Code of Ethics (2005), section C.2.g Impairment, counselors are alert to the signs of impairment from their own physical, mental, or emotional problems and refrain from offering or providing professional services when such impairment is likely to harm a client or others. The ACA Code of Ethics (2005) section C.2.g Impairment also states that counselors seek assistance for problems that reach the level of professional impairment, and, if necessary, they limit, suspend, or terminate their professional responsibilities until such time it is determined that they may safely resume their work. Personal Relevant History In 2005, during my senior year of undergraduate school at The University of  Arizona, I was on the fast track to law school. I was on a full scholarship, earning a 4.0 grade point average, a resident assistant for the dorms, and a member of a co-ed pre-law fraternity. I had just completed my internship working for senator John McCain and had finished the scary LSAT. This is what my friends and family saw. In the background, I was struggling. During the weekends I was â€Å"hosting† parties, or rather people would just show up and throw their own parties at my residence. I was struggling to get out of bed in the morning and often came back home to take naps and miss my next few classes of the day. My grades were slipping and so was my ambition. I took it upon myself to see a psychiatrist and was prescribed anti-depressants. This medication changed my life for the worst. I did not even notice that things were spinning out of control as I maxed out my credit cards (I would just get new cards later) and making impulsive and risky decisions. I was losing sleep as I was either out socializing or home cleaning like a madwoman, and often had bouts of irritability. My boyfriend at the time (my current husband) called my parents and asked that I come home to Phoenix and receive help. So I had a medical withdrawal from school, returned home, and was provided with psychiatric help. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and informed that by taking antidepressants I was experiencing a manic episode. As stated by Griswold and Pessar (2000, p. 1347) while referring to bipolar disorder, â€Å"the use of tricyclic antidepressants should be avoided because of the possibility of inducing rapid cycling of symptoms.† So with a new diagnosis the process of trial and error with psychotropic and mood stabilizing medications and their unavoidable side effects began. Once I was on a stable medication and dosage, I felt like myself again. I got a job at a residential treatment center to work with adolescents that have mood disorders and had gotten into trouble with the law. I found my passion. It was a few years before I could return to school with a purpose. I was graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Family Studies and Human Development in May 2011 and the future goal of becoming a therapist. Future Considerations and Risk Management  Strategies I believe that under the Impairment ethics code, mood disorders are considered a mental or emotional problem that may impair the counselor affecting the way in which a counselor provides treatment to clients. Bipolar disorder does not disappear once one takes the necessary medication. â€Å"Medication alone is often inadequate to restore and maintain physical health and quality of life† (Rheineck & Steinkuller, 2009, p. 339). Rheineck and Steinkuller (2009) recommend that those with bipolar disorder participate in therapy in conjunction with taking their effective medication. It would be myopic of me to assume that bipolar disorder will never affect me as a therapist. If I am not aware of my moods while I am having either a depressive or manic episode I may become irritable with or place my own perceptions onto a client. Ethically, to manage the risks involved with being a therapist who has bipolar disorder, I need to do more than take medication and participate in therapy. According to Biegel, Brown, & Shapiro (2007), a therapist should practice self-care, including self-awareness and self-regulation or coping. I think that when I am practicing, it will be self-awareness that will assist me most in terms of risk management. As an unbiased observation of my inner experience and behavior, self-awareness could also serve as an alarm to signal that I need to take appropriate actions whether to notify my supervisor, limit, or suspend my professional responsibilities. When referring to self-awareness Corey, Corey, & Callanan (2008, p. 44) state that without it â€Å"mental health professionals are likely to obstruct the progress of their clients as the focus of therapy shifts from meeting the client’s needs to meeting the needs of the therapist.† To assist with my self-awareness, I plan to utilize mindfulness. Mindfulness, as defined by Campbell and Christopher (2012, p. 215), â€Å"refers to a state of being aware, with acceptance, of thought s, emotions, and sensations as they arise.† I currently practice various mindfulness exercises in therapy to assist with my mood disorder and coping strategies. To be a positive and healthy professional counselor I will continue with mindfulness exercises throughout my career and my life. I plan on practicing this daily, on my own time, so that I will be able to recognize when I am having moods or episodes that need to be addressed.  Mindfulness will be additionally useful, as â€Å"counselors need to be immediately cognizant of signs of stress and burnout and address these immediately to practice counseling ethically† (Bradley, Brogan, Brogan, & Hendricks, 2009, p. 358). By being mindful and self-aware I will be able to identify the symptoms of stress and burnout as well as any number of potentially harmful feelings. Ethics Code that Does Not Present a Challenge According to the ACA Code of Ethics (2005), section C.2.f Continuing Education, counselors recognize the need for continuing education to acquire and maintain a reasonable level of awareness of current scientific and professional information in their fields of activity. The ACA Code of Ethics (2005) section C.2.f Continuing Education also states that counselors take steps to maintain competence in the skills they use, are open to new procedures, and keep current with the diverse populations and specific populations with whom they work. Personal Relevant History In my experience while working in behavioral health, training always has been emphasized and mandated yearly. During the four years that I spent working at a residential treatment center, I had accumulated more than 500 hours of training. While working at a group home for a year, I had gone through more than100 hours of training. In the past year while working as a youth and family specialist I have completed an additional 60 hours of training. Although I found many of the training sessions over the years to be fairly repetitive, there were also several trainings providing completely new knowledge to me and therefore effective to assisting me while working with clients. Examples of recent effective trainings include crisis prevention intervention, compassion fatigue, cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adults, and behavioral health documentation. Future Considerations According to the ACA Code of Ethics (2005), Preamble, â€Å"inherently held values that guide our behaviors or exceed prescribed behaviors are deeply ingrained in the counselor and developed out of personal dedication, rather than the mandatory requirement of an external organization.† To me this statement means that as a professional counselor I will further my education  and knowledge of skills because I want to and not because an agency I work at mandates it. I do not believe that when one finishes school, they have completed learning, especially if they work in behavioral health. There are always new diagnoses, methods, and forms of treatment coming out that I want to be learn to better meet the needs of my future clients. In a mail-in survey study of 1000 licensed professional counselors conducted in 2009 pertaining to counseling grief stricken clients, Granello, Ober, & Wheaton (2012) found that the majority of the participants stated they were unprepared when it came to specific skills and lacked knowledge to address those with grief. â€Å"Counselors who received training rated themselves as more competent than those who did not, with more training related to higher levels of self-perceived competence† (Granello et al., 2012, p. 158). Another study conducted by Jameson, Poulton, and Stadter (2007), involved 38 therapists and evaluated the effect of a two-year continuing education program on their knowledge, skills, and application. â€Å"The majority (74%) felt the training helped them think clearly and specifically, both about assessment issues and specific interventions† (Jemeson et al., 2007, p. 113). It is clear when reading these findings that further training can only help a professional to work with more specific needs of their clientele. Although all agencies have mandatory trainings, I have observed that there are hundreds of additional trainings offered yearly for any counselors who want to attend voluntarily. I plan to be a counselor who takes the opportunities offered to further educate myself, in order to improve myself and to provide my clients with a better and more knowledgeable version of me. Conclusion In summation, I have examined a potentially personally challenging section of the ACA Code of Ethics, risk management strategies that I plan to utilize, and a section of the ACA Code of Ethics that aligns with my personal beliefs. Examining my personal experiences and traits that may conflict with the ACA Code of Ethics, I am better preparing myself to prevent any effects they may have had toward my future clients. It is important to me that I continue to learn and apply the knowledge I gain in graduate school and additional educational settings to improve myself as a person and as a professional counselor. References American Counseling Association (2005). ACA Code of Ethics. Alexandria, VA: Author. Biegel, G.M., Brown, K.W., & Shapiro, S.L. (2007). Teaching self-care to caregivers: Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on the mental health of therapists in training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 1(2), 105-115. Bradley, L.J., Brogan, W.C., Brogan, C., Hendricks, B. (2009). Shelly: a case study focusing on ethics and counselor wellness. Family Journal, 17(4), 355-359. Campbell, J.C., & Christopher, J.C. (2012). Teaching mindfulness to create effective counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 34(3), 213-226. Corey, G., Corey, M.S., & Callanan, P. (2008). Issues and ethics in the helping professions ( 8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Granello, D.H., Ober, A.M., & Wheaton, J.E. (2012). Grief counseling: an investigation of counselor’ training, experience, and competencies. Journal of Counseling and Development, 90(2), 150-159. Griswold, K.S., & Pessar, L.F. (2000). Management of bipolar disorder. American Family Physician, 62(6), 1343-1353. Jameson, P., Poulton, J., & Stadter, M. (2007). Sustained and sustaining continuing education for therapists. Psychotherapy, 44(1), 110-114. Rheineck, J.E., & Steinkuller, A. (2009). A review of evidence-based therapeutic interventions of bipolar disorder. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(4), 338-350.